Does your ticketing system measure up?

How to better meet customers’ ticketing expectations Customer experience (or CX) is crucial in contributing to various factors including customer satisfaction, loyalty and increased footfall. All business models can stand to improve by working on customer experience but for this article, we are focusing on tourism and attractions. Both these sectors have point-of-sale and ticketing […]


Advantages of EPOS There are several advantages for using an EPOS system in your business. If you are just starting out as a business owners or vendor, it can be hard to understand why you should invest into more expensive hardware rather than opting for the cheaper version, such as a simple cash till. An […]


The primary concerns of businesses revolve around cutting down on costs, enhancing their employees’ productivity and boosting their sales. With these goals in mind, businessmen and retailers are determined to seek ways to implement the most convenient, practical and efficient system to run their stores day by day. These concerns are basically the same issues […]

Common KCPOS Support Questions

The most common KCPOS questions our support team get asked. KCPOS is a fully integratable EPOS software solution. Although KCPOS support queries are rare, Monpellier have compiled the most common questions our support team get asked. Here are the top four issues:   1. You’ve changed something in administrator but it isn’t showing on the […]