EPOS Software

KCPOS is fully integrable EPOS software solution which offers a wide range of functionality tailored to fit your business needs.

EPOS Software Features and Benefits

A fully integrated trade counter EPOS system is beneficial for anyone with a a customer-facing trade counter environment such as wholesalers, stockists, and distributors in a wide variety of industries.

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Easy Installation

KCPOS can be up and running efficiently for a single system or multi-branches.

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Increase Retention

Ability to create exclusive offers to reward loyal customers with points or discounts.

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Speed is crucial at the point of sale. KCPOS supplies fast price, product and postcode look up.

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Build bespoke menus designed to find products easily with button groups.

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Reduce Stock Costs

Re-order stock and set minimum stock levels and notifications.

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Mobile Sales

Touch screen mobile devices for selling on the road.

For a demo of Kamarin Computers solutions get in touch below

If Kamarin Computers isn’t right for your business, have a look at our other business solution offerings here.