Pegasus CIS (Construction Industry Software)

Designed for the construction industry, Pegasus CIS is a project management solution to support budget and timely deliveries.

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What is Pegasus CIS (Construction Industry Software)?

Pegasus CIS (Construction Industry Solutions) stands out as an unparalleled project management solution specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of businesses within the construction industry.

Tailored to provide comprehensive support, this cutting-edge software ensures that construction enterprises can effectively manage and deliver projects punctually and within budget constraints.

With an array of robust features and functionalities, Pegasus CIS empowers construction businesses by streamlining project workflows, enhancing collaboration, and providing real-time insights, thereby contributing significantly to project success and overall operational efficiency.

Whether it’s project planning, resource allocation, or budget management, Pegasus CIS emerges as an indispensable tool, ensuring that construction projects are executed seamlessly and with precision.

Pegasus CIS Benefits

Pegasus CIS (Construction Industry Solutions) is an unbeatable project management solution for businesses in the construction industry, which need support in delivering on time and within budget.  

Providing complete control over all aspects of contract management, Pegasus CIS helps make projects manageable and profitable.

The software provides an unmatched level of control over every aspect of contract management, including subcontractors, suppliers, stock, employees, payroll, contract sales ledger, purchase ledger, nominal ledger, and cash book.  


  • Contract Sales Ledger  
  • Subcontractors Ledger  
  • Labour costs  
  • Contract purchasing  
  • Procurement control  
  • Plant hire  
  • Link Pegasus CIS to your accounting solution  
  • Nominal Ledger integration  
  • Stock Control  
  • Site Requisition  
  • Impressive functionality  
  • Customisable screen views with drag-and-drop capability  
  • One-click integration with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word  
  • Enhanced data retrieval  
  • Multiple Tabs so users can work in different modules at the same time  

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