Dynamics NAV (Navision) versus Dynamics 365 Business Central

The evolution of the all-in-one ERP Just like your business, software evolves over time. It adapts to our ever-changing needs and advances processes by delivering more ground-breaking functionality. In 2018 Microsoft released Dynamics 365 Business Central to the enterprise resource planning market to replace what was Dynamics NAV (formally known as Navision). But how does […]

Connect and Grow with D356 Business Central

What is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? Specifically designed for small to medium-sized businesses, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is an all-in-one management solution with a very desirable price point (from £52.80 per user/ month). Similar to Microsoft’s previous offering, Nav, D365 Business Central is an easy to use cloud (or on-premise) solution that draws […]

Financial Business Support

What help is available for my business? During these uncertain times increasing numbers of SMEs are under pressure to find support. Monpellier has gathered some of the top sources of help and advice at this time. Information regarding financial SME support is changing rapidly. Here are the current schemes and options available as of 1st […]

5 top tips to keep employee engagement high

 How to keep your team together while working remotely Managing remote employees can be difficult, but with the addition of a global pandemic, this task has become a lot harder. Although many organisations have been geared up for remote working for a while, many businesses have been thrown into the transition leaving teams disjointed in […]

Customer Announcement (COVID-19)

In light of the recent developments with the spread of COVID-19 in the UK; we wanted to reassure our customers and make them aware of the business continuity measures that are in place. Planned work  Unless advised otherwise, we plan to carry out all of our commitments for installation and project work, but will use […]

Integrated Solution for Manufacturers

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central One of the most talked about trends for the next decade is digital integration. As accessibility to digital manufacturing tools, such as cloud storage, artificial intelligence and IoT sensors grows the concept of a ‘smart factory’ is becoming a reality. Manufacturers of all types can  benefit from digitally integrating their […]

Microsoft Business Central – more than just Excel

Myth Busting D365 Business Central Many accountants have relied solely or partially on Microsoft Excel to assist in their role for decades, leading many firms to ask when the next legacy solution will arrive.    Enter Microsoft Dynamics.  Over the past couple of years, Microsoft has shifted their focus to collaboration and have invested in […]

Supercharge your supply chain

Business Intelligence Software Food and drink companies are rapidly embracing new technology in order to optimise their processes and supply chain operations, and Microsoft is leading the pack in terms of supply chain reporting with applications such as Power BI.  Power BI is fully compatible with Microsoft’s other applications such as Office 365, Dynamics 365 […]